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Tom petty dies at age 66 of heart attack

We are so broken hearted over Tom Petty. He died last night of a heart attack according to Tony Dimityriades {Band manager for Tom Petty and the Heart Breakers}. October 2nd at 8:40pm PT we lost a great Rocker. 

Tom Petty Quotes

You and I will meet again, When we're least expecting it, One day in some far off place, I will recognize your face, I won't say goodbye my friend, For you and I will meet again. 

-Tom Petty


Music is probably the only real magic I have encountered in my life. There's not some trick involved with it. It's pure and it's real. It moves, it heals, it communicates and does all these incredible things. 

-Tom Petty

Go after what you really love and find a way to make that work for you, and then you'll be a happy person. 

-Tom Petty

Our Favorite Tom Petty Song

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Tom Petty Dies At Age 66 Of Heart Attack

Tom Petty Dies At Age 66 Of Heart Attack
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