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You're My Holiday

Running video by coin flip

Video For Running

Audio For Running

Lyrics To Running

I feel nothing but tired like a whore for hire
junkies and wire hell and fire
do it all for the money like a skunk and honey
a race that i'm running and it's so damn funny
cause i'm all mixed up i feel like i'm stuck
drinking from a cup that's all filled up
and it's overflowing and it just keeps going
like a boat that i'm rowing

and the water's getting deeper i think i'm gonna sink her
a red light blinker and another middle finger
and nothing's going right i feel like a fight
is the only thing that would make me feel better
so i start to pray god make it go away
and the fire starts dying and i feel like i'm flying
and it's so much better when the sun's in the weather
and its light is shining and the people are smiling


Category: videos
Tagged As: running

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2 Reviews Good Job
Review: 5 - "Good Job" by , written on July 8th , 2017
Goo Job Boys! Running
Review: 5 - "Running" by , written on July 5th , 2017
Great job guys!!

Good Job

Good Job
Rating: 10 out of 5 with 2 ratings