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You're My Holiday

Pictures and words from coin flip about latest song save life

We really hope that people will listen and share this song with people suffering from depression or hard times. Lord knows we have had them. Our passion to escapse the negitive thoughs was music. We love to share them with our encouraging fans. One thing that people dont think about when they consider suicide or drug overdose is the people that love them. If they could slow down and sober their mind maybe just once they will reconsider.

About The Title

The original name of the song was going too be called "Sober" then it was going to be called "Slow Down". We did not feel those titles were appropiate for what we were trying to accomplish in this song. So that is why we chose, "If This Song Saves Someone's Life It's Worth It".


Here are some pictures from the video, we hop you enjoy them and share them. 

if this song saves someones life its worth it coin flip

Slow Down Coin Flip

Sober Coin Flip

Coin Flip David McCullough

Harley McCullough Coin Flip

Coin Flip

Coin Flip

Coin Flip

Coin Flip

Coin Flip

Coin Flip

Coin Flip

Coin Flip

Coin Flip

Coin Flip Save A Life

Coin Flip Save A Life Its Worth It

Category: photos

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2 Reviews'S_LIFE_IT'S_WORTH_IT_(13).jpg Slow Down
Review: 4 - "Slow Down" by , written on August 21st , 2017
Love it'S_LIFE_IT'S_WORTH_IT_(13).jpg Awesome Job
Review: 5 - "Awesome Job" by , written on August 21st , 2017
Awesome Jobs Boys

Slow Down

Slow Down
Rating: 9 out of 5 with 2 ratings